Promoting understanding, expertise and the 3Rs to the surgical research community

Vision & Values
Our vision
The European Academy of Laboratory Animal Surgery is an association of professionals working to promote high standards of surgical and aseptic practice across all species and disciplines.
The association will establish and maintain links with other surgical bodies in order to contribute to cross-disciplinary expertise for the betterment of surgical, peri-operative and pedagogical practices in the experimental setting.
Our goals
We want to promote the use of only the most refined surgical models and methods and seek to identify and rectify poor practice where it occurs.
We want to develop and/or evaluate new surgical methods in order to maximize experimental data quality and to reduce (minimize) animal pain and suffering.
We want to disseminate information about biomedical surgery and animal care, to promote understanding amongst the wider public.
We want to be the "go-to" association for information about non-clinical surgery and surgical training in Europe.