Promoting understanding, expertise and the 3Rs to the surgical research community

EALAS background
The EALAS was founded in 2021 by forward-thinking professionals who were concerned about the lack of a European networking platform and incomplete communication across the disciplines of surgical investigation.
EALAS is promoting the advancement of professional and academic standards, education and research in the arts and sciences of experimental surgery.
Central to the mission of the Academy is to promote the humane use and treatment of animals in research and to prevent their use when other means can meet the scientific objectives. To achieve this, we focus on the following key areas:
promote the use of only the most refined surgical models and methods.
develop and/or evaluate new surgical methods in order to maximize experimental data quality.
disseminate information about biomedical surgery and animal care, to promote understanding amongst the wider public.
be the "go-to" association for information about non-clinical surgery and surgical training in Europe
If you would like to be part of this exciting project you can apply for membership by clicking
on one of the buttons below. The annual membership fee is 90,-Euro (50% discount for students).