Promoting understanding, expertise and the 3Rs to the surgical research community

EALAS Council members
The European Academy of Laboratory Animal Surgery has the following council members.
Please click on the info button for more details about the member.
Delphine Bouard (F)
Francesco Carù (IT)
Jaco Bakker (NL)
Thomas Penning (DE)
Kate Read (UK)
Bertrand Lussier (CAN)
Stéphan Langonnet (F)
Petros Ypsilantis (GR)
Michaël Verset (F)
Kasper Larsen (DK)
Lucy Whitfield (UK)
Stefano Gaburro (IT)
Adrian Zeltner (DK)
Thomas Hubert (F)
Thomas Svava Nielsen (DK)
Veterinarian, Surgery Consultant / Vetsalius
Veterinarian / Accelera
Veterinarian / Biomedical Primate Research Centre
Sales Director Europe / Instech Labs
Veterinarian / Labcorp
Veterinarian / CRCHUM, University of Montreal
Veterinarian / Centre Leon Berard Lyon
Veterinarian / University of Tessaloniki
Surgery Project Manager & Vet. / Charles River Laboratories
Senior lab technician / Lundbeck
Director of Vet. Services / OWL Vets
Global Scientific Director / Tecniplast
Minipig Specialist, SRS / AZE-Consulting
Associate Professor in Surgery, DVM / University Hospital of Lille
Molecular Biologist / TSN Scientific Consult