Promoting understanding, expertise and the 3Rs to the surgical research community

Our next webinars:
In collaboration with the Academy of Surgical Research we can offer the following webinars
Available "on-demand" now.
Preparation for the Academy of Surgical Research’s Certification Exams
TUES, SEP 12, 2023
Lisa Johnson, BA, SRS, LATg, Veterinary Surgeon, Charles River Laboratories
The Use of Vascular Access Buttons in Rabbits for PK/TK Studies
THU, OCT 19, 2023
Jon Ehrmann, BS, SRS, SRA, LATg, Senior Science & Technology Manager, Bristol Myers Squibb
Successful Modification Device for Vascular Access in Minipigs (Vascular Access Button)
THU, NOV 16, 2023
Adrian Zeltner, SRT, Owner AZE Consulting
Indwelling Portal Vascular Access Ports: Application, Advantages, and Management
THU, DEC 7, 2023
Melanie Graham, MPH, PhD, Professor and Goodale Chair in Minimally Invasive Surgery
University of Minnesota